1 Oliver s early life Chapter BEFORE READING 1 Oliver Twist is set in the Victorian period. Check what you know about this period and write true or false for each statement. T F a. It is called Victorian after Queen Victoria. c c b. She ruled England for a very short period. c c c. England was becoming an industrial country. c c d. England was a poor country. c c e. Poor children were often ill-treated and sent to work. c c f. Alcoholism was a common problem among the poor. c c 2 Oliver lives in a workhouse . Here is a definition of this word in scrambled order. Put it in the correct order with numbers. 3 where they were fed and housed work done. In the past it was for the poor a place provided by the government in exchange for Look at the illustration on p. 8 and answer the following questions. a. Who do you think the child in the foreground is? .................................. b. What is he doing? ......................................................................................................... c. What clothes is he wearing? ................................................................................... A workhouse in Leicester (c.1840). 6