2 Heathcliff and Cathy Chapter BEFORE READING 1 Before the age of modern technology, telling stories by the fire was once a way of spending many long, winter evenings. How do you spend your evenings? c Watching television c Surfing the Internet c Chatting on MSN or Face Box c Sending texts on your mobile phone c Listening to music on your I-pod or MP3 c Watching DVDs on your home cinema c Playing video games on the Playstation or the Nintendo c Reading 2 Match the following words to the appropriate picture. a. pant b. gasp c. slap d. pinch e. whip f. punch 3 The story of Cathy and Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights has inspired artistic creation in all its forms: poems, music, songs, paintings, films and plays. What do you imagine them to look like? Tick the description which best matches your imagination. Cathy Heathcliff c Long, straight blond hair c Short, curly brown hair and clear blue eyes and green eyes c Short, black hair and dark c Shoulder-length, wavy black brown eyes hair and dark brown eyes c Long, wavy dark brown hair and green eyes c Short, straight blond hair and piercing blue eyes c Shoulder length, curly blond hair and brown eyes c Short, straight dark brown hair and brown eyes c Thick wavy chestnut hair c Curly black hair and and deep blue eyes hazel eyes 19