3 Separation and Reunion Chapter BEFORE READING 1 Where do you think Heathcliff has gone? Tick the box which you think is the most likely possibility. c He has gone for a long walk on the moors. c He has gone to Thrushcross Grange to challenge Edgar Linton to a duel. c He has hidden in the stables to console himself with the horses. c He has gone to London to seek his fortune. c He has gone to some mysterious destination that no one will ever know about. c He has gone back to Liverpool to look for his real parents. 2 Do you think Cathy will marry Edgar in the end? What would be the advantages and disadvantages if she does? Put the following into the appropriate column. wealth respectability a comfortable house he adores her she doesn t really love him he s a little boring he s good looking she loves Heathcliff passionately she might be able to help Heathcliff she ll become the most beautiful lady in the county she ll lose her freedom she ll be cared for and looked after she ll leave Wuthering Heights she ll have to live without part of herself she ll never be really happy she ll have to keep her secret forever Advantages Disadvantages ............................................................................ ................................................................................. ............................................................................ ................................................................................. ............................................................................ ................................................................................. ............................................................................ ................................................................................. ............................................................................ ................................................................................. 3 Do you believe in Destiny and that when events begin to run on a course of their own you cannot stop them? Or do you think we can choose our own fate? Is Cathy strong enough to choose hers? Do you feel it will be a happy or tragic one? Give reasons for your answers. ........................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................... 34