4 Cathy s Decline Chapter BEFORE READING 1 Find the names of eight characters from Wuthering Heights in the word puzzle below. Whose name is missing? ............................................. H I N D L E Y C A N 2 Z E H C I G H T S Y I S A B E L L A H L L I R T Y D I T I Z N E E H H E A K L Y T H T E I C A Y T L C A O A J Z L L R L L I J I J O N Z S T I E O L P N L H T A E I H T N F H E N F Answer the following questions. a. Do names help in giving you an idea of the character or the place in the story? ....................................................................................................................... b. Why do you think Heathcliff calls Cathy by the shortened form of Catherine, while Edgar insists on calling her by her full name? ........ c. Does the name Cathy make you imagine someone different from Catherine ? ....................................................................................................................... d. If Heathcliff was called John , would it make a difference to the story and to how you see him in your mind? ........................................... e. Why do you think Emily gave him this name? Tick the correct box. c She was once in love with someone called Heathcliff. c She had the idea from an old novel she had read in which the hero was called by this name. c She made it up to suit the setting of the story and his personality, heath being the vegetation on the moors, and cliff meaning the rugged, rocky, high drop down to the sea on the Yorkshire coastline. c It is the name of a character in one of Shakespeare s plays. c Her sister Charlotte suggested the name to her as she had already thought of it for a novel that she was writing herself. c It was a name she had already given to a character in the stories she had written for her make-believe world of Gondal. 48