E X T E N S I O N WHO HAS WUTHERING HEIGHTS INSPIRED? Kate Bush Wind and Wuthering Bonnie Tyler Wuthering Heights Meatloaf Wuthering Heights touches the imaginations of all those who read it, but it has inspired some musicians, songwriters, poets and artists to create their own works of art. The most successful and well known musical homage to Emily and her story is the song released in 1985 by Kate Bush, entitled Wuthering Heights. It was part of her first album, and her unusual rather eerie1 voice led to immediate success and was perfect in re-creating the ghost of Cathy. The story fired her imagination to write the song, and she later discovered that she and Emily shared the same birthday, 30th July. The British rock band Genesis, whose members included Phil Collins and Mike Rutherford, released their album Wind and Wuthering in 1978. The book inspired the title and cover and there are two instrumental pieces on the album entitled, Unquiet Slumbers for the Sleepers and In that Quiet Earth, both direct references to the closing lines of the novel. The idea for the classic ballad2 Total Eclipse of the Heart , written by songwriter John Steinmann, and rendered famous by the Welsh singer Bonnie Tyler in 1983, came from Emily s story. Wuthering Heights is the name of a Danish heavy metal band while the metallic group Meatloaf, wrote the sound track for M.T.V. s 2003 screen version. In 1993 the Brazilian metal band Angra included in their first album a cover of Kate Bush s Wuthering Heights. 1. eerie: strange, mysterious and a little frightening. 2. ballad: a slow, popular song about love. Angra 76