6 Heathcliff s Revenge Chapter BEFORE READING 1 Always there at the right time, eh, Nelly. , says Heathcliff to Nelly Dean in the following chapter. Listed below are some dramatic moments in the story. Was Nelly there at the time? Tick the box if the answer is affirmative. c Cathy s confession that Heathcliff is the person she really loves. c Heathcliff s disappearance in the terrifying storm. c His return and first visit to see Cathy. c The heated argument between Cathy and Heathcliff about Isabella. c The tragic last reunion between Cathy and Heathcliff. c Cathy s death. c Isabella s escape to London. c Hindley s death. c Young Cathy s first meeting with Heathcliff. c Young Cathy s forced marriage to Linton. c Heathcliff s death. 2 Tuberculosis, or consumption , as it was known as, is a very contagious disease of the lungs which in the 19th century was incurable. Linton and Frances, Hindley s wife, both have this illness in the book, while in real life all the Bront children, except Charlotte, died at a young age of this terrible disease, including Emily. The average life span in the little village of Haworth where they lived was 26 because of it. These famous people also died from tuberculosis. Match their names with their work. 1. John Keats a. Scottish writer (The Strange case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr Hyde) 2. Frédéric Chopin b. English novelist (Lady Chatterley s Lover) 3. Edgar Allan Poe c. Russian playwright (The Cherry Orchard) 4. D. H. Lawrence d. Dutch philosopher (Ethica) 5. Robert Louis Stevenson e. English romantic poet (Ode to Autumn) 6. Elizabeth Barrett Browning f. English novelist and essayist (Animal Farm) 7. Baruch Spinoza g. American writer and poet (Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque) 8. George Orwell 9. Anton C echov h. English poet (Sonnets from the Portuguese) i. Polish composer and pianist (Nocturnes) 78