7 Epilogue Chapter BEFORE READING 1 Many writers in the 19th century put elements of the gothic novel into their work. Underline the words in the following list which bring to mind a gothic atmosphere. Circle the words which can be associated with Wuthering Heights. sunny bright dark natural gloomy claustrophobic terrifying devilish sinister angelic narrow supernatural open graveyard cottage castle fairy demon angel ghost window stone flowers suspense peace remote populated evil good revenge forgiveness misunderstanding 2 Lockwood returns to pay a visit to Wuthering Heights having only rented Thrushcross Grange for a short time. Why do you think he did not stay longer in the area? Tick the most probable reason in your opinion. c The weather was too bad. c He was disturbed by the strange story which Mrs Dean told him, and his experience at Wuthering Heights. c He had to go back to London for work. c He became ill and had to return to London to see his doctor. c He found the narrowness and restricted space for existence did not suit his open city mentality. 3 At this point of the story, when so many characters have come to a tragic end, how do you think it will finish? Will the reader be left only with ghosts, like the house itself, or will something happen to allow a little hope to rise from the ashes and begin something new? Which of these possible endings do you foresee? c Young Cathy will fall in love with Heathcliff and they will marry. c Lockwood will persuade Cathy to return to London with him, leaving Hareton and Heathcliff alone in the house. c Hareton will finally realize that the house is really his and murder Heathcliff in a violent argument. c The house will catch fire while Heathcliff is alone inside and be burnt to the ground. c The strength of a growing love between Cathy and Hareton will finally destroy Heathcliff and the tragic consequences that his revenge brought on the two families. 93