The author William Shakespeare Facts and legend are mixed in Shakespeare s life. Church documents prove that he was baptized on 26th April 1564 at Stratford-uponAvon and buried1 there on 25th April 1616. His family was well-known in the area as2 his mother was the descendant of Thomas More, Henry VIII s Chancellor. Shakespeare s father was an eminent citizen, a merchant in skins3, wool and corn4 and active in local government. At the time, Stratford was an important commercial centre with a local Grammar School, where Oxford students acted as teachers. So Shakespeare, too, learnt reading and arithmetic, some history and a lot of Latin rhetoric, logic and literature. On 27th November 1582, William Shakespeare, then eighteen, married Anne Hathaway, eight years his senior, and the following May they had a daughter called Susanna; in 1585 twins were born, Hamnet and Judith. It was difficult for young Shakespeare to provide for a family of four; unfortunately one day he was found killing game5 in a private estate6 and was forced to leave Stratford in a hurry not to be imprisoned. In one sense he was glad to go away from a wife he no longer loved and to discover the world of London. The capital of England was full of life and opportunities for enterprising7 men: the Queen, her court and the nobles spent a lot of money enjoying themselves and encouraging the arts. The theatres were built in Shoreditch, on the left bank of the Thames and outside the city walls; they attracted all sorts of people, from the lower to the upper classes, and offered interesting and amusing entertainment. Shakespeare soon became a favourite among theatre-goers as an actor, but mostly as an author of comic and dramatic plays. By 1592 he was already so famous that a jealous rival playwright8 (Robert Greene, c. 1558-1592) attacked him, accusing him of plagiarism9. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. buried: put under ground. as: because. skin: animal covering. corn: grain. game: wild animals and birds hunted. estate: extensive areas of land owned by a lord. 7. enterprising: full of courage and willing to do new things. 8. playwright: author of theatre plays. 9. plagiarism: using somebody else s ideas. 4