4 A Tortured Mind Chapter BEFORE READING 1 Use the definitions below to say what each person is. King of Scotland King of Norway Banquo s son Thane of Glamis and Cawdor Prince of Cumberland Macbeth s wife a. b. c. d. e. f. 2 Macbeth: ............................................................................................................................... Duncan: ................................................................................................................................. Malcolm: ................................................................................................................................ Lady Macbeth: ................................................................................................................... Fleance: .................................................................................................................................. Sweno: ................................................................................................................................... What do you expect will happen to these people? Tick ( ) the suggestion/s you think most probable. a. Duncan s sons will c find refuge abroad and settle there. c get military help and return to Scotland. c be killed before they reach England and Ireland. b. Macbeth will c be found responsible and condemned. c kill Banquo and his son. c become the new King of Scotland. c. Lady Macbeth will c not lose her self-control. c begin having bad dreams. c reveal her role in the crime to her confessor. 3 What is the meaning of the underlined words? Tick ( ) as appropriate. a. Duncan s sons left Inverness secretly. c mysteriously c openly c without telling anyone b. A loud cry came from Duncan s room. c strong c noisy c quiet c. The king toasted his lords fortune. c grilled c drank to c ate d. The witches hands were brown and skinny. c thin c fat c curved e. I don t know what to do, I need your advice! c information c help c notice 46