5 A Career of Blood Chapter BEFORE READING 1 Answer the questions. a. What does the word career, in the title of Chapter 5, suggest? ..................................................................................................................................................... b. Who do you think Macbeth will kill next? .................................................... c. What will happen to Fleance? ................................................................................ d. Will Macbeth kill his wife as well? ....................................................................... 2 Tick ( ) one or more alternatives regarding Macbeth s complex personality. a. To his wife Macbeth is c tender c unfriendly c as open as before c indifferent c secretive c protective c hostile b. To the Lords Macbeth is c friendly c severe c cooperative c cordial c offensive c. To the murderers he is c fatherly c cooperative c hostile c insinuating c false 3 c authoritative c formal c detached Complete the sentences with the missing words to sum up the basic points of the story so far. son witches Scotland King kill Thane mind ghost wife a. The story took place in ................................................ in 1040. b. The meeting with the three ...................................... changed Macbeth s life. c. They announced he was going to be ................................................ of Cawdor and then ................................................ . d. So Macbeth decided to ................................................ Duncan in his castle. e. His ................................................ organized everything and helped him. f. Macbeth s ................................................ was still tormented by the prophecy about Banquo. g. So he ordered two hitmen to murder Banquo and his .................................... ............................................ . h. But Fleance escaped and Banquo s ................................................ appeared during the banquet to torment Macbeth. 60