6 Birnam Wood Chapter BEFORE READING 1 How do you expect this second prophecy will come true? Tick ( ) as appropriate. a. Macduff, Thane of Fife, will c secretly return to Scotland and kill Macbeth. c join the English army and kill Macbeth in battle. c send murderers to kill Macbeth. b. Birnam Wood will move against Macbeth because c the soldiers will march with the branch of a tree in their hands. c the trees of Birnam wood will be cut and used to attack the castle. c the trees will be transplanted on Dunsinane Hill by magic, to protect the English army and their Scottish supporters. c. No man born of woman will ever harm Macbeth because this man is c only a monster embodying the anger of Scotland. c an ancient Celtic god evoked to fight Macbeth, the devil of Scotland . c a man who was taken from his mother s body after she had died. 2 Lady Macbeth has apparently disappeared. What happened to her? Tick ( ) one or more suggestions you think probable. c She died a natural death because she was old. c She, too, like many Scottish noblemen, fled from Scotland fearing her husband s violence. c Macbeth thought she knew too much and killed her. c She was full of remorse and entered a convent to find peace of mind. c She was so tormented by remorse that she killed herself. c She went mad and was kept under constant watch like a prisoner. 3 Read the definitions and complete the words which you will find in the text. Some letters are given to help you. a. People serving in the military forces of a country: t _ _ o _ s b. Anxious or uncomfortable: _ o r _ i _ d c. Place in the ground where a dead person is buried: g _ _ v _ d. The person to whom religious people admit their wrongs: c _ _ f _ _ s _ r e. Full of a strong and violent displeasure: a _ g _ y f. To cause a person s death with a rope around the neck: _ a _ g 73