SUMMING-UP ACTIVITIES WORKING ON THE TEXT 1 Put the following sequences in the correct order. c Lady Macbeth encourages Macbeth to kill Duncan, their guest at Inverness Castle. c The witches tell Macbeth that no man born of woman will ever kill him and no army will defeat him till Birnam Wood moves. c Duncan announces that his son Malcolm will be king and that he will visit Inverness Castle. c In London, Malcolm understands that Macduff is loyal to him and wants to free Scotland from the tyrant. c Macbeth faces the enemy army at Dunsinane but he is killed by Macduff and Malcolm becomes King. c Three witches meet Macbeth and announce he will become King. c At Dunsinane Castle Lady Macbeth sleepwalks at night and in the end kills herself. c Macbeth kills all his enemies and murders their families. c Macbeth kills Banquo because his descendants will be kings. c Malcolm finds refuge in England and Macbeth becomes King of Scotland. CHARACTERS 2 Which of these characters says the words below? Choose among the following: the witches (1), Macbeth (2), Banquo (1), Duncan (1), Lady Macbeth (2), Macduff (2), little Macduff (1). SENTENCES CHARACTERS Fair is foul and foul is fair. .................................................. Can the devils speak true? .................................................. I know how to push you to action and dissolve all your doubts! .................................................. Welcome our noble cousin! .................................................. Is this a dagger which I see before me? .................................................. Horror, horror! The King is murdered! .................................................. My mind is full of scorpions, my dear wife! .................................................. As birds do, mother, with what I get. .................................................. What? Will these hands never be cleaned? .................................................. Turn, tyrant, show your face! .................................................. 86