E X T E N S I O N JOYCE AND TRIESTE Joyce and Nora Barnacle went into self-imposed exile on the Continent in 1904. After going first to Z rich then to Pola, they finally settled in Trieste (in Italy today, but part of Austria-Hungary until World War I), where Joyce taught English for ten years at the Berlitz School in via San Nicolò 32. In autumn 1905 Joyce invited his brother Stanislaus there, securing him a teaching position. Although Joyce established himself as a talented teacher and tutor, he was never well-paid and frequently in debt. Stanislaus or Stannie placed his salary, energy and patience at Joyce s disposal, helping him to support Nora and their two children. Stanislaus lived in Trieste until his death on 16th June 1955, Bloomsday1. If Dublin was the city where Joyce s personality was formed, Trieste is where it developed and matured. Like Ulysses in the Mediterranean, Trieste was Joyce s periplum, the place where he lived for more than a decade, met many different people, had many different experiences, and fathered two children. It was the place where all his early works were written Chamber Music, Dubliners, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Exiles and Giacomo Joyce and where he started Ulysses. 1. Bloomsday: Ulysses deals with the events of one day in Dublin: 16th June 1904. For this reason, its anniversary is called Bloomsday , from the name of the novel s protagonist Leopold Bloom. James Joyce s statue in Trieste. 25