2 Araby Story BEFORE READING 1 All the stories in Dubliners are set in Dublin, the capital of the Republic of Ireland (Eire). What do you know about this country? Say if the following statements are true of false T F a. The island called Ireland is a single state, c c independent of the United Kingdom. b. c. d. e. Catholicism is the main religion in Eire. c c th St Patrick spread Christianity in Ireland in the 5 century. c c The Irish have Anglo-Saxon origins. c c Southern Ireland was under British rule until the early 1920s, when the Irish Free State was established. c c f. Irish people speak Gaelic as well as English. g. When Joyce published Dubliners, Southern Ireland was an independent state. h. The proclamation of the Republic of Ireland in 1949 put an end to its membership of the Commonwealth. 2 c c c c c c Araby is the name of a bazaar. Which of the following definitions of bazaar do you think is the best one in the context of Joyce s short story? c A market or area where there are a lot of small shops and stalls, especially in India or the Middle East. c A sort of fair where people sell different things to raise money for charity or a good purpose. 3 Making predictions. The title Araby evokes an exotic faraway place. Why did the author use it? Choose one option and discuss your choice with your classmates. c Because the short story is partly set in Arabia. c Because it is an adventure story and the protagonist dreams of escaping to an exotic land. c Because it is a story about adolescent love and the exotic name of the bazaar becomes part of the protagonist s daydreaming. 27