4 The Boarding House Story BEFORE READING 1 Look at the title. What is a boarding house ? Choose the right definition from the following options. c c c c 2 A A A A building from which you go on board a plane or ship. private house where you pay to sleep and eat. small restaurant. building made of long flat pieces of wood. What kind of people do you think stayed in a boarding house in the early 20th century? c children c old people c students 3 c families c rich people c tourists c middle-class people c single women c unmarried men Here are some expressions and words including the term board . Match them with their definitions. a. board and lodging c 1. A student who lives in the school s/he attends. b. boarding school c 2. The price of a room in a hotel that includes breakfast and dinner. c. full-board c 3. Meals and a place to stay. d. boarder c 4. Providing all meals. e. half-board c 5. A school where students live as well as study. 4 The three main meanings of the verb to board are: a. to get on a plane, ship, train to travel somewhere b. to pay to stay in a room in someone s house c. to stay at school at night as well as in the day Which meaning (a-b-c) do the following sentences have? 1. Mrs Smith had two young Italians who boarded with her. 2. From the age of eight, Tom boarded at his school in Kent. 3. British Airways is now boarding at gate 23. 54