5 A Little Cloud Story BEFORE READING 1 Making predictions. In your opinion, what does the title allude to? a. Rainy weather in Ireland. b. An event that will radically change the life of the protagonist. c. An event that will be irrelevant in the life of the protagonist. 2 The protagonist of the story is called Little Chandler. What do you expect him to be like? Tick the description which best matches your expectation. c Tall, well-built and athletic c Of average height and stout 3 c Short, thin and fragile c Of medium height and build You will find the expressions on the left in the text. Match them with their definitions on the rights. a. b. c. d. e. f. patronise stand in one s way betray oneself get on in life clinch a bargain can t help 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. can t avoid be successful conclude a transaction successfully treat in a condescending way obstruct reveal one s feelings or thoughts 68