SUMMING-UP ACTIVITIES WORKING ON THE TEXT 1 Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words to complete a short summary of the stories. a. The Crystal Egg When two clients decide to buy a ......................... .......................... from an old ............................ ..........................., its owner, Mr Cave, refuses to sell it and starts to become more and more fascinated by it until he finds out he can see vision of another ......................... (which he thinks can be .........................) in it. Flying animals like ................................, strange bipeds, plains, cliffs and buildings make up a new world where he likes to go to escape from .......................... .When he is found ........................., smiling, no one can understand why or where the crystal egg has gone. b. The Call of Cthulhu Some .............................. cuttings, a clay ............................. and some strange notes from a dead ................................ on the Cthulhu Cult make his young heir do everything to find out who Cthulhu is. Having understood that this knowledge of powerful and evil ..............................., strange and submerged ................................., bizarre coincidences and terrifying rituals will certainly condemn him to ................................., he leaves all of his conclusions in a ............................... hoping nobody will ever realise that the end of the world as people know it can be near. c. The Liberator When a race of super-humans defeats man s ........................., finally conquers the ........................... and imposes very harsh ........................... on its inhabitants, unexpectedly it s the ............................ himself to come to the humans help. He easily makes fun of the invaders ................................, annihilates their .............................. and sends them away because he wants no one to interfere with his toys , men. d. Sentinel of Eternity A flashing light on a strangely flat .......................... on the ........................... proves to be a tall .................................. protected by a magnetic field that some ............................... can break only after twenty years. Apparently this shining pyramid made of an unknown material was a ................................ left at the beginning of the universe by an unknown, very ................................ civilization waiting for other forms of ................................ to be born. Nobody knows whether the emissaries of this race will have good or bad intentions. e. The Machine That Won the War After winning against the ................................, men are celebrating their ............................ and the author of this victory, the super-computer ................................ . The three men who were ......................... for the decisions 102