1 The Crystal Egg Story BEFORE READING 1 Answer the following questions and try to make predictions about the content of the story you are going to read. a. What animals lay eggs? ............................................................................................... b. What is the egg symbolic of ? You can choose more than one option. c the cosmos c life c chaos c rebirth c death c surprise c. Chocolate eggs, for example, are made to be eaten and contain a surprise. In your opinion what might be the use of a crystal egg? ..................................................................................................................................................... d. Where can you buy a crystal egg? ..................................................................... e. How could a crystal egg be connected to a science-fiction story? ..................................................................................................................................................... 2 Which of these adjectives can be used to describe a crystal egg? c fragile c glittering c hollow c opaque c shiny c smooth c solid c transparent c oval c polished c unbreakable 3 c worked c rough c light c round c soft Match the following words/phrases to the appropriate pictures. elephant tusks ........ tiger head ........ stuffed animal ........ cabinet ........ beads ........ weapons ........ ostrich egg ........ A F B E C 11 D G