E X T E N S I O N EXCUSE ME, CTHULHU WHO? Cthulhu is not only the name of a monstrous entity which appears in the story The Call of Cthulhu by H.P. Lovecraft. It is also the reference name for a universe of mythical literary, television, music and computer characters known as the Cthulhu Mythos , as Lovecraft s deity has been widely used by authors, film-makers, composers and software programmers. The first to exploit the Cthulhu world was August Derleth, who invented the term Cthulhu Mythos . While Lovecraft s intention was simply to create a background world of terror, Derleth added bodies, names, places and stories to this universe and helped future bands, film- and videogame-makers find an ideal setting for terrorbased productions. However, such an evil monster has also provided material for bizarre philosophical and practical speculations. For example, first of all, how do you pronounce the name? According to H.P. Lovecraft, the actual sound may be taken as something like Khlul -hloo, with the first syllable pronounced with a very deep voice. The best approximation one can make is to grunt, bark or cough1 the syllables Cluh-Luh with the tip of the tongue against the roof of the mouth. That is, if one is a human being. Instructions for other entities are, of course, different. Secondly, where does he sleep? Well, in 1997 the US Navy located him most probably somewhere near S 50°, W 100°. Their underwater 1. grunt, bark or cough: make short, low sounds from your throat. 48