3 The Liberator Story BEFORE READING 1 Choose the correct answer. a. If the Earth was under attack and about to surrender, who do you think the enemies would be? c Genetically modified humans c More technologically advanced aliens c A group of human scientists disguised as Martians c A colony of humans from the future c An army of giant intelligent insects c An army of artificial intelligence machines b. Who do you think its liberator would be? c Superman c The Devil c The Army c God c Terminator c The flu virus c. What weapons do you think this liberator would use? c Words c Machine guns c Bacteria c Nuclear bombs c Magic c Flames d. What do you think the liberator would want in exchange for this exploit? c Glory and fame c The control of the Earth c A whole continent c Money c To be worshipped as a God c Nothing 2 Imagine the Earth has been attacked by some aliens. Describe their characteristics. Look up words you need in the dictionary. Height Weight Head Trunk Arms and legs Voice Clothes Special powers 3 Connect these words from the text to their synonyms/definitions. 1. sceptical c a. Hard 2. glittering c b. Incredulous 3. harsh c c. Tidy and regular 4. orderly c d. Sparkling 5. pick up c e. Gather 6. intruder c f. Unable to speak 7. grant c g. Short pointed knife 8. speechless c h. Someone who illegally enters a place 9. beams c i. Rays, lines of light 10. dagger c j. Give 52