E X T E N S I O N A DEAL WITH THE DEVIL In this story only the reader can decide whether the future of humanity will be better thanks to the Devil or not. What is sure is that man didn t ask the liberator for help. He alone decided to intervene and protect his investments , and that is what he has done ever since man s creation, according to The Devil s Dictionary by Ambrose Pierce: «SATAN, n. One of the Creator s terrible mistakes. [...] As an archangel, Satan behaved unpleasantly and was finally expelled from Heaven. Before leaving he said, There is a favour I would like to ask. Say it. I understand Man is about to be created. He will need laws. What! You, his eternal enemy, full of hatred for his soul you ask for the right to make his laws? Pardon. What I ask is simply to let him make his own laws. It was so ordered. But that s not always the case. According to tradition, it is humans who ask Satan for help and offer him their soul in exchange for diabolical favours, usually youth, knowledge, wealth1, love or power; in doing so, they are making a deal2 with the Devil and condemning themselves to eternal damnation. This pact can be oral or written. An oral pact consists in invocations or rituals to attract the Devil; when the person believes he is present, he asks for his favour and offers his soul in exchange. Although in this case there is no visible evidence of the deal, according to tradition even an oral pact leaves a diabolical mark , a permanent sign where the person has been touched by the Devil to seal3 the pact. Whereas a written pact consists of the signature of the act with the person s blood. Christianity, however, is not the only way to look at the Devil. Satanism offers a completely different point of view. While with Christianity Satan and his demons are evil spirits whose aim is to 1. wealth: riches, prosperity. 2. making a deal: making an agreement, a contract. 3. seal: make an agreement more formal or definite. 65