4 Sentinel of Eternity Story BEFORE READING 1 Examine the map of the moon and give the locations of its seas/craters. Ex. Where is the Mare Crisium? It s to the north-west of Mare Undarum. M A R E S E R E N I TAT I S M A R E C R I S I U M M A R E MARE T R A N Q U I L L I TAT I S UNDARUM M A R E F E C U N D I TAT I S 2 Have you ever heard of the Apollo program? a. In what decade did the Apollo program start? c 1960-1970 c 1970-1980 c 1980-1990 c 1990-2000 b. Which of the following Apollo missions made the first lunar landing? c Apollo 10 c Apollo 11 c Apollo 13 c Apollo 17 c. When did it happen? c In 1969 c In 1973 c In 1981 c In 1997 d. Which of these missions was one of the worst tragedies in the history of spaceflight? c Apollo 1 c Apollo 7 c Apollo 8 c Apollo 9 3 What do the following measures correspond to in metres, kilometres, etc.? 30 miles ........................................................................................................................................ 2,000 feet..................................................................................................................................... 12,000 feet.................................................................................................................................. 4 inches......................................................................................................................................... 40 pounds ................................................................................................................................... 69