E X T E N S I O N 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY Production: MGM 1968. Written by: Stanley Kubrick, Arthur C. Clarke. Director: Stanley Kubrick. Starring: Keir Dullea, Gary Lockwood, William Sylvester, Daniel Richter, Leonard Rossiter. Arthur C. Clarke was an ardent promoter of the idea that humanity s destiny lay beyond the confines of the Earth. It was a vision vividly shown by 2001: A Space Odyssey (the classic sci-fi film he created with the famous director Stanley Kubrick in 1968) and by the novel of the same title based on the screenplay, which he wrote as part of a project consisting of three more novels: 2010: Odyssey Two, 2061: Odyssey Three, 3001: The Final Odyssey. 2001:A Space Odyssey drew inspiration from the short story Sentinel of Eternity, written in 1950. 2001: A Space Odyssey deals with the themes of human evolution, technology, artificial intelligence and extraterrestrial life; it is famous for its scientific realism, special effects, surreal imagery, sound in place of traditional narrative techniques and minimal use of dialogue. The film is divided into four parts. The title sequence begins with an image of the Earth rising over the Moon, while the Sun rises over the Earth. Episode 1 The Dawn1 of Man. It begins at sunrise in prehistoric Africa 4 million years ago. A powerful force enters our solar system near Jupiter. Destination: Earth. Overnight, a visitor from outer space has planted a monolith near a tribe of ape2-men living in East Africa between 4-2.9 million B.C., whose characteristics are: fear, curiosity and courage. These qualities and not the monolith itself lead to the ape s revolutionary invention: the tool3, which transforms this creature into a Homo Sapiens. The monolith represents a challenge. Episode 2 From Earth to the Moon. Under the lunar surface humans discover an alien object buried4 on the Moon four million years earlier. It is a giant, black monolith identical to that found by the ape-men. The scientists join around it for a group photo, but are interrupted 1. dawn: sunrise. 2. ape: a large animal like a monkey with no tail. 3. tool: instrument. 4. buried: put in the ground and covered with earth. 82