TEST TEST Modulo 6 - Unità 1 PASSIVO 1. Scegli l alternativa corretta fra quelle proposte in corsivo. a. A lot of students suffer/are suffered from stress. b. When we arrived, we found that the concert had been cancelled/had cancelled. c. Students were told/told which subjects to study the week before the exam. d. They will close/will be closed the swimming-pool for repair. e. My sister is interviewing/is being interviewed for a job right now. f. The results of the competition will be announced/are announcing tomorrow. g. If you park your car over there, you will be fined/will fine. h. When they finally arrived, the table had been cleared/has been cleared. 2. Trasforma le seguenti espressioni da forma passiva in forma attiva come nell esempio. k Cheese was made. They made cheese. a. A cake is baked every Sunday. She ................................................................. b. A cake is being baked now. ....................................................................... c. A cake was baked last night. ....................................................................... d. A cake will be baked tomorrow. ....................................................................... e. A cake has just been baked. ....................................................................... 3. Riscrivi le seguenti frasi attive in forma passiva. a. You won t recognise her after the litfing. ................................................................................ b. John and his friend are redecorating the room. ...................................................................... c. They built this bridge in the 1750s. ...................................................................................... d. The police arrested the robber yesterday afternoon. .............................................................. e. They don t grow oranges in Sweden. .................................................................................... f. Has someone fed the dog? .................................................................................................. g. Someone has shown the visitors the Oval Room. .................................................................. h. Your host family will meet you at the airport. ........................................................................ 4. Completa la seconda frase in modo che abbia lo stesso significato della prima, usando la parola tra parentesi senza cambiarla. a. Everyone thinks Real Madrid will win. Real Madrid ......................................... win. (expected) Costruzioni varie b. They may give us a reward. We may ......................................... a reward. (given) c. I wasn t allowed to stay out late. My parents ......................................... to stay out late. (allow) d. They are going to publish the new book next year. The new book ......................................... next year. (published) 120 Modulo 6 - Test