PRESENT SIMPLE E PRESENT PROGRESSIVE 1. Riscrivi queste frasi nella forma negativa. a. I smoke a lot. ...................................................................................................................... TEST TEST Modulo 1 - Unità 1 b. My father gets up early. ........................................................................................................ c. We re going to Portugal on our holidays. ............................................................................... d. They play golf well. ............................................................................................................... e. She is making a cake for my birthday. ................................................................................... f. It s raining ........................................................................................................................... 2. Formula domande adatte per le seguenti risposte. a. They live in a flat. ................................................................................................................ b. I play tennis and do the gardening. ....................................................................................... c. He is watching TV. ............................................................................................................... d. No, I don t. I think she s boring. ........................................................................................... e. They re going to the usual place in France. ............................................................................ f. Yes, he does. He s a good football player. ............................................................................. g. Yes, I am enjoying myself a lot. The food is good and I love the music. ..................................................................................................................................................... h. Yes, it does. You should always carry an umbrella here. ..................................................................................................................................................... 3. Scegli la forma verbale corretta fra quelle date in corsivo nelle seguenti frasi. a. I speak/am speaking four languages. b. Paddy comes/is coming from Ireland. c. I read/am reading a book about the Second World War. d. We go/are going to the cinema this evening. e. Do you want/Are you wanting to go for a walk? f. Lumberjacks cut down/are cutting down trees. g. Sean reads/is reading a lot. h. They come/are coming to our party at the weekend. i. Sarah goes/is going to Cornwall every summer. j. How long does it take/is it taking you to go to school. About 20 minutes in the rush hour. 4. Completa queste frasi con la forma corretta al present simple o present progressive dei verbi tra parentesi. Revisione e approfondimento a. We .................... (enjoy) going to the cinema but we ................... (not go) very often. b. What time ................... (the train/leave)? c. Where ................... (you/work) this year? d. Arthur ................... (come) from Toronto, in Canada. e. How many languages ................... (you/speak)? f. Gabriel ................... (not drink) tea, but he ................... (like) coffee. g. My brother ................... (watch) TV at home right now. h. I ................... (not think) the teacher ................... (like) me very much. Modulo 1 - Test 31