Modulo 1 - Unità 4 PRONOMI RIFLESSIVI E RECIPROCI persona selves singolare soggetto suffisso PRONOMI RIFLESSIVI L da solo n I pronomi riflessivi contengono il ..................... : self al .................... (myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself (1)) .................... al plurale (ourselves, yourselves, themselves) n Si usano: con i verbi riflessivi, cioè quando l azione ricade sullo stesso ......................(2) k We are enjoying ourselves a lot. Ci stiamo divertendo molto. per indicare che l azione è stata compiuta dal soggetto in ...................... k She fixed the computer herself. Ha riparato lei stessa il computer. insieme alla preposizione by per indicare ...................... k My grandmother lives by herself. Mia nonna vive da sola. (1) Alla terza persona singolare le tre forme si riferiscono rispettivamente al maschile, al femminile e al neutro. (2) Molti verbi che sono riflessivi in italiano non lo sono in inglese, come meet (incontrarsi), get up (alzarsi), ecc. 1. Completa queste frasi con l adeguato pronome riflessivo. a. We enjoyed .................... a lot in Australia. b. Andrew cooked dinner .................... . c. Goodbye, girls! I hope you ll enjoy .................... at the party. d. The little boy touched the stove and burnt ..................... . e. Angela made .................... a new dress. f. This new automatic dishwasher does everything by .................... . g. He hurt .................... falling down the stairs. h. They always wash .................... after a match. i. She couldn t finish the exercise by .................... so she asked for help. j. When I am alone, I often talk to .................... . 2. Completa le seguenti frasi con questi verbi i pronomi riflessivi adeguati. behave blame buy cut find hurt make take care of a. When I feel down, I ............................. a nice chocolate cake. b. Mr Keller is bleeding because a swimming-pool. d. Tell the boys to .......................... at school. e. If you ........................... in a big square, it means you have turned the wrong way. f. It s not her fault. She shouldn t ............................. . g. We are old enough to ............................. . h. He fell off the wall and ............................. . Unità 4 - Pronomi riflessivi e reciproci 45 Pronomi he .......................... while he was shaving. c. If I win the lottery, I ll ......................... a house with