TEST TEST Modulo 2 - Unità 1 AGGETTIVI E PRONOMI DISTRIBUTIVI 1. Scegli la forma corretta tra quelle proposte in corsivo. a. She has known both/either Mr Simmonds and Mr Neeson for a long time. b. We are all/both close friends in our group but each/every of us is different. c. You can drink either/both beer or wine but not every/both. d. A slice of apple pie or a trifle? Neither/None, thanks. I d like some fresh fruit. e. I used to know the whole/both poem by heart but I ve forgotten it now. f. I have no idea of how to spend my money so I m broke at the end of each/every month. g. Sam and Henry are both/each good at school but neither/none of them likes Maths. h. You can get there either/neither by train or by coach but the coach is cheaper. i. How much are the bananas? 30p. every/each. j. We have three dogs. They all/whole like to stay with us but neither/none of them can sleep inside. 2. Completa le seguenti frasi con both ...and, both of, either ...or, neither ...nor, neither of. a. Sheila Pat can speak German fluently even if they lived in Germany for a year. b. Mum or will drive you to the station. c. He s so fond of sports. He loves skiing swimming. d. Girls like Bruce very much. He s good-looking intelligent. e. We never go to crowded places. We like night clubs concerts. f. Tom could faint if he sees a big spider or a snake. He s afraid of them. g. You can have meat fish: which do you prefer? h. Tom and Gerry can play the piano very well but them can play the guitar. 3. Completa le seguenti frasi con either, neither, none. a. There used to be two Chinese students at our school but I haven t seen for months. b. I saw two films at the weekend and I liked them. c. We ve got five dogs and of them is aggressive. d. My favourite team bought four new Brazilian players last year, but of them has scored yet. Pronomi e. I have read two books during the summer and I don t like of them. 48 Modulo 2 - Test