Modulo 3 - Unità 4 PAST PERFECT participio passato prima prossimo soggetto trapassato n Il past perfect si forma con: soggetto + had + .......................... . k to play I/you/he/she/it/we/they had played avevo/ebbi giocato, ecc. L had n Forma negativa: .......................... + had + not + participio passato. k to play I/you/he/she/it/we/they had not played non avevo/ebbi giocato, ecc. n Forma interrogativa: .......................... + soggetto + participio passato. k to play had I/you/he/she/it/we/they played avevo/ebbi giocato, ecc.? n Il past perfect, che corrisponde all italiano trapassato .......................... e ............................... remoto, indica un azione che si era già svolta .......................... di un altra azione passata. k When we met Mary, we had already been to the market. Quando incontrammo Mary, eravamo già stati al mercato. (prima azione: andare al mercato; seconda azione: incontrare Mary) to be had been; to have had had. n La risposta breve si formula Yes, I/you/he/she/it/we/they had. No, I/you/he/she/it/we/they hadn t. 1. Completa le seguenti frasi con il past perfect dei verbi tra parentesi. a. I called you after she ............................. (tell) me. b. They ............................. (not finish) their exercises yet when the bell rang. c. I could remember I ............................. (already/see) the film after a few scenes. d. When we arrived at the theatre, the show ............................. (begin). e. The plane ............................. (take off) a few minutes before we arrived at the airport. f. By the time I reached the station, the train ............................. (leave). g. We decided to have a Thai meal because we ............................. (never/have) that food before. h. He got lost because he ............................. (never drive) on those roads. 2. Completa le seguenti frasi usando il past perfect o il past simple dei verbi tra parentesi. a. Everybody ............................. (leave) after the actor ............................. (sign) autographs for all his b. He ............................. (be) at the bus stop for twenty minutes when the bus ............................ (arrive). c. She ............................. (already/pay) for the wine when she ............................. (drop) the bottle. d. After I ............................. (finish) the test, I ............................. (give) it to the invigilator. Unità 4 - Past perfect 61 Perfect fans.