MODALI + HAVE + PARTICIPIO PASSATO improbabilità irrealizzati participio passato passato rimprovero n Si può usare la costruzione verbo modali + have + ......................... per esprimere, con riferimento al ........................., L assenza Modulo 4 - Unità 4 supposizioni k Their car was parked in front of their house. They must have been in. La loro macchina era parcheggiata davanti alla loro casa. Dovevano esserci. probabilità o ......................... k The train might not have arrived yet. Può darsi che il treno non sia ancora arrivato. ......................... k You shouldn t have done that. Non avresti dovuto farlo. desideri ......................... o ipotesi k They could have come sooner if they hadn t had the children with them. Sarebbero potuti arrivare prima se non avessero avuto i bambini con loro. ......................... di necessità k You needn t have seen a doctor. Non c era bisogno che ti facessi visitare da un dottore. 1. Completa queste frasi con la forma opportuna dei verbi tra parentesi. a. You needn t .......................................... (worry). b. She could .......................................... (phone) me if she wanted to know. c. You shouldn t .......................................... (spend) so much! d. They can t .......................................... (be) away. I saw them. e. They might .......................................... (come) with us. f. Bob may .......................................... (contact) him. g. The plane must .......................................... (take) off. h. We might .......................................... (help) you if you had told us. 2. Traduci le frasi dell esercizio 1 in italiano. Modali a. .................................................................................................................................................. b. .................................................................................................................................................. c. .................................................................................................................................................. d. .................................................................................................................................................. e. .................................................................................................................................................. 78 Modulo 4