ALTRI MODI PER ESPRIMERE POTERE infinito permesso possibilità potere L generica Modulo 4 - Unità 5 n Ci sono alcuni verbi non modali sinonimi di can, may e must, che possono essere usati anche nei tempi che i verbi modali non possiedono. n Con il significato di ......................... si possono usare to be able + ......................... per esprimere: capacità o possibilità concreta k I d like to be able to dance. Mi piacerebbe saper ballare. la capacità di intervenire in una certa situazione avvenuta nel passato(1) k He was able to score with the last kick of the game. (NON: He could score with the last kick of the game.) riuscito a fare goal con l ultimo tiro della partita. Se si esprime invece una capacità ......................... al passato si usa could. k Mozart could play the piano when he was 5. Mozart sapeva suonare il piano a cinque anni. to be allowed + infinito per esprimere ......................... k We were not allowed to express our opinion. Non ci fu permesso di esprimere la nostra opinione. to be likely + infinito per esprimere ......................... o probabilità k Stephen is likely to come to Finland with us. probabile che Stephen venga in Finlandia con noi. (1) In alternativa si può usare managed + infinito. k He managed to score with the last kick of the game. 1. Scegli la forma corretta tra quelle proposte in corsivo. a. Jennifer could/was able to jump onto the bus. b. My little cousin could/was able to perform difficult calculations before she started primary school. c. They could/were able to find their way to the hospital without asking anybody. d. I could/was able to start the car and leave. e. He could/was able to drive very fast but he lost the race. f. When the boat capsized, everybody Modali could/was able to swim back to the beach. 2. Riscrivi queste frasi al passato usando was/were able, was/were allowed, was/were likely. a. She can pass the exam. Last week ........................................................................................ b. He may be late. Due to the fog ............................................................................................... c. We may not enter the competition. Two Sundays ago ............................................................... d. We may not feed the monkeys. When we went to the safari park, ............................................. e. She cannot finish her work in time. Yesterday .......................................................................... f. John may see his children once a week. After the divorce ........................................................ 80 Modulo 4