CARATTERISTICHE GENERALI, CAN, COULD, MAY/MIGHT 1. Completa le seguenti frasi con can, can t, may. a. Sheila ............... play chess but not very well. b. It ............... be windy on the northern TEST TEST Modulo 4 - Unità 1 coast tomorrow. c. ............... you lend me your bike, Gerry? d. I ............... surf the Internet but Jean has promised to teach me. e. He ............... be so silly! f. You ............... repeat the same word twice. It s forbidden. g. ............... I close the window, Mr Dixon? h. She ............... get the job. She has no qualifications. 2. Scegli l alternativa corretta tra quelle proposte in corsivo. a. I can t/may not arrive on time tomorrow. I ll give you a ring if I m late. b. He s good at Maths. He can/may perform difficult calculations. c. She could/might already play the violin when she was 7. d. They can/may arrive tomorrow. e. That can t/couldn t be true! It s absurd! f. She has applied for the job. She couldn t/might get the job. g. Mark has told me the story but I can t/may not believe it. h. It can t/might rain all day tomorrow. Don t let s cycle to work. TEST Modulo 4 - Unità 2 MUST, SHOULD, OUGHT TO, NEED 1. Scegli l alternativa corretta tra quelle proposte in corsivo. a. When you are in church, you must/mustn t speak loudly. b. You need/should phone a doctor if you aren t well. c. Henry, you need/shouldn t eat ten ice-creams a day. d. Children needn t/shouldn t play with matches. e. We needn t/mustn t be cruel to animals. f. I ll come in my car. You needn t/mustn t pick me up. g. If you suffer from diabetes, you needn t/mustn t eat sugar. h. You need/should clean your teeth after your meals. 2. Traduci queste frasi in inglese. a. Sono molto stanchi. Hanno bisogno di riposarsi un po . ..................................................................................................................................................... b. Mark deve comprare un auto nuova. ..................................................................................................................................................... c. Non dovresti mangiare tante patatine fritte. ..................................................................................................................................................... d. Dobbiamo riparare il tetto. ..................................................................................................................................................... e. Non devi essere scortese con i tuoi zii. ..................................................................................................................................................... g. Dovresti studiare di più. ..................................................................................................................................................... h. Che cosa dovrei fare? ..................................................................................................................................................... Modulo 4 - Test 85 Modali ..................................................................................................................................................... f. Non hai bisogno di fare la spesa.