PERIODO IPOTETICO DI III TIPO Modulo 5 - Unità 3 n Il periodo ipotetico di III tipo è riferito al ..................................... ed esprime una condizione che non si può più ........................................ . Si rende con L realizzare passato secondaria would have participio passato il past conditional (.....................................+ participio passato) nella frase principale. il past perfect (had + .....................................) nella frase ....................................., introdotta da if (1) k I would have bought a yacht if I had won the lottery. Avrei comprato un panfilo se avessi vinto la lotteria. k What would you have said if you had met the Queen? Che cosa avresti detto se avessi incontrato la Regina? (1) Se la frase secondaria precede quella principale, è chiusa da una virgola. k If you had gone to Paris, you would have seen the Eiffel Tower. Se tu fossi andato a Parigi, avresti visto la Tour Eiffel. 1. Completa queste frasi con il past conditional dei verbi tra parentesi. a. If we hadn t had to work, we ................................. (stay) longer. b. ................................. (Sally come) to the seaside if her parents had let her? c. Donald ................................. (not fail) the test if he had had more time. d. The Ferrers ................................. (move) to Texas if Mr Ferrer had got a job there. e. If you hadn t overslept, you ................................. (be) late for school. f. If they had trained harder, they ................................. (win) the match. g. Diana ................................. (find) a cheaper flight if she had booked in advance. h. My parents ................................. (tell) us off if we had got a bad mark. 2. Completa queste frasi con il past conditional o con il past perfect dei verbi tra parentesi. a. What laptop would you have bought if they ............................ (not give) you this as a present? b. If I ................................ (train) harder, I ................................ (take) part in the competition. c. Edward ................................ (not fall) down if he had been more careful. d. I would have taken a painkiller if ................................ (have) a headache. e. The match ................................ (not be) postponed if it hadn t rained. Periodo ipotetico f. If your parents had known where you were going, they ................................. (not allow) you to go. g. If you had accepted the invitation, you ................................ (make) a big mistake. h. Sally wouldn t be so fat if she ................................ (eat) more vegetables and fruit. 3. Completa queste frasi con il past conditional e con il past perfect dei verbi tra parentesi. a. How ............................... (you find) the house if I ............................... (not take) you there? b. If I ............................... (have) enough money, I ............................... (buy) the car. c. We ............................... (cook) dinner if we ............................... (not be) so busy. 96 Modulo 5