PERIODO IPOTETICO DI I TIPO 1. Completa queste frasi con il present simple o il futuro dei verbi tra parentesi. a. Granny ............................ (knit) you a pullover if you ............................ (ask) her. TEST TEST Modulo 5 - Unità 1 b. I ............................ (read) the newspaper if I ............................. (can) borrow yours. c. I ............................ (visit) all the museums if I ............................ (stay) here longer. d. Jonathan ............................ (not rent) the flat if they ............................ (not give) him the job. e. Mum ............................ (be) angry if you ............................ (not tidy) your room. f. If Dad ............................ (lend) us his car, we ............................ (go) to the lake. g. If I ............................ (be) hungry, I ............................ (make) myself a sandwich. h. She ............................ (not go) to Greece if she ............................ (not have) at least two weeks off. 2. Rispondi con periodi interi alle seguenti domande, usando le indicazioni tra parentesi. a. What will Tim do if Sarah doesn t forgive him? (go mad) ..................................................................................................................................................... b. What will Steve s father do if he doesn t pass the test? (not let him go out for a month) ..................................................................................................................................................... c. What will you do when you finish school? (go on holiday) ..................................................................................................................................................... d. What will your teacher do if you make many mistakes? (give me remedial work to do) ..................................................................................................................................................... e. What will Mr White do if he can t go to the meeting? (inform the manager) ..................................................................................................................................................... f. What will we do if we miss the connection? (have to wait about 5 hours) ..................................................................................................................................................... g. What will you do if your brother can t help you? (ask a friend for help) ..................................................................................................................................................... h. What will they do if they can t find a hotel? (go to the nearest town) ..................................................................................................................................................... PERIODO IPOTETICO DI II TIPO 1. Completa queste frasi con il past simple e il conditional simple dei verbi tra parentesi. a. I ............................ (lend) you my bike if I ............................ (not need) it myself. b. She ............................ (not be) so tired if she ............................ (not study) so hard. c. If I ............................ (have) enough money, I ............................ (travel) round the world. d. If it ............................ (not rain) so heavily, we ............................ (go) for a walk. Modulo 5 - Test 99 Periodo ipotetico TEST Modulo 5 - Unità 2