READING 2 Leggi il testo e completa le frasi che seguono con l alternativa giusta. T he British are very fond of nature and animals. Every family has got a pet at home or in the garden: a cat, a dog, a hamster, a goldfish or a tortoise are British children and adults great friends! However, English people love wildlife, too. A recent survey of BBC Wildlife Magazine shows the top ten favourite British mammals. 10 Here are the results. 1 The surprising success of the otter, hedgehog and badger is probably because of their physical characteristics: large and human eyes, intelligent facial expressions, playful attitude and manual ability. Perhaps the otter is also popular with English teenagers because Harry Potter s friend, Hermione, has got an otter as a protective patronus charm! It is strange that dolphins are only in the eighth position, as these animals are often on TV and in magazines, but for the British it is difficult to see dolphins close up, except in aquariums. Finally, the bat s position is really amazing: this mammal is often the protagonist of horror stories, so perhaps its negative image of dangerous and mysterious creature of the night is completely over! And you? What s your favourite mammal? Ask your parents, relatives and friends about the mammal they like most; write your own top ten and see the differences! 1 In every British home there is ................................................ . A a cat and a dog B a hamster 9 B wild animals 3 The otter s success is due to Otter Hedgehog Badger Fox Squirrel Deer Mouse Dolphin Stoat Bat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 lontra riccio tasso volpe scoiattolo cervo topo delfino ermellino pipistrello USEFUL WORDS p. 17 ................................................ . C wild mammals ................................................ . A its human face, its desire to play and its abilities C Harry Potter books. 4 Dolphins aren t in the first position because B its physical characteristics ................................................ A it s impossible to see them in the aquariums B they aren t on TV and in magazines any more 16 week two 5 7 C a pet 2 The results of the survey are about the favourite British A pets 6 2 (adapted from BBC Wildlife Magazine, September 2008) 4 3 8 . C they are difficult to see in nature