WRITING 5 Completa gli spazi usando il verbo to have, gli aggettivi possessivi e il genitivo sassone. PREPARE A BUTTERFLY BAR! HOW TO Peter (0) has got a nice cottage in the country. Every summer there are a lot of beautiful butterflies in (1)............................ garden, because he and his sister Jamie (2).......................... got a special way to attract these insects: a butterfly bar! Here is Peter and Jamie (3)..................... recipe: 1 Ingredients and objects old, soft fruit brown sugar a mixing bowl a fork an old plate 2 Step 1. Take some old, soft fruit you (4)................... got in the fridge. If you (5)................... (not) got it, ask (6)................................ Mum for help or buy it at the greengrocer (7)........................ shop. 3 Step 2. Put the fruit in a bowl with a little water, some brown sugar (2 spoons for 450 g of fruit) and mash it up with a fork. Step 3. Put the mixture on an old plate and leave it in a quiet place in (8)........................ garden: now butterflies (9)...................... got their special bar! Take some photos but be careful, because (10)........................ food can attract also wasps! USEFUL WORDS bowl = ciotola; brown sugar = zucchero di canna; butterfly = farfalla; fork = forchetta; greengrocer = verduriere; to leave = lasciare; to mash up = schiacciare; quiet = tranquillo; recipe = ricetta; soft = morbido; wasp = vespa. News from the animals world 19