Exercises 1 Completa il brano con il verbo have got, nelle forme affermative, interrogative e negative. Kate (0) has got a twin brother, Mike. He (1)........................ black hair, but Kate (2).................... (not) the same hair: she (3).......................... blonde and straight hair. They (4).......................... green eyes, but they (5).......................... (not) the same height: Mike is tall, Kate is short! She (6).......................... the bedroom with Mike, where they (7).......................... two beds and two different desks. What (8).......................... they .............. in their room? Kate (9)................................ a lot of posters of her favourite stars and Mike (10).......................... (not), but he (11).......................... forty CDs at least, because he s very fond of rock music. (12).......................... they .............. a computer in their room? Yes, of course! They re lucky, because they (13)...................... their own personal computer. (14).......................... Kate .......... a pet? Yes, a hamster, and Mike (15).......................... a tortoise. 2 Scrivi le domande alle seguenti risposte. No, he hasn t. He s an only child. Yes, I have. My favourite pet is the parrot. Yes, they have. They ve got three cousins. No, he hasn t. He hasn t got straight hair. No, we haven t got a garden, but we have got a large terrace. 5 ........................................................................... Yes, I ve got a stereo in my bedroom. 6 ........................................................................... Yes, she has. Her cat s name s Felix. 1 2 3 4 3 Inserisci l aggettivo possessivo appropriato. 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 Has Ricky got any brothers or sisters? ........................................................................... ........................................................................... ........................................................................... ........................................................................... A: What s your favourite animal? B: It s the deer. Look at this photo! This is ................ brother: ................ name s John. Rachel and Robert are American; ................ hometown is San Francisco. Jane and ................ sister are in London now. We love music and ................ favourite singer is Madonna. Tom, Jane s cat, likes ................ food! We are on holiday with ................ friends in England. Riscrivi queste frasi usando il genitivo sassone. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Look at the car of Jane. Linda is the wife of Paul. The name of my girlfriend is Elizabeth. The i-pod of Rachel is pink. The books of John are in the rucksack. The eyes of Peter are blue. The dog of James is aggressive. Look at Jane s car. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. News from the animals world 23