SPEAKING 4 Immagina di essere un giornalista che intervista il campione inglese delle corse di Formula Uno, Lewis Hamilton. Dialoga con lui in base alle sue risposte registrate sul CD. 1. You: (1) Lewis: Yes, of course. I m ready to answer your questions! 2. You: (2) Lewis: Well, I love karting. My first win in this sport was at the age of ten; but now I haven t got much time to do it. 3. You: (3) ............................. Lewis: I really enjoy playing tennis and squash. 4. You: (4) ............................. Lewis: In my spare time I read books and I like relaxing with my family and friends. 5. You: (5) ............................. Lewis: With my friends? Well, we go to the cinema or watch DVDs. We also have fun at parties! 6. You: (6) ............................ Lewis: Yes, I do. I love listening to music! My favourite types are hip-hop, reggae and funky house. 7. You: (7) .............. Lewis: Yes, I can play the guitar quite well! How do you know that? I can play all Bob Marley s songs! 8. You: (8) Lewis: You re welcome! Goodbye! 28 week three