1 WE ARE WHAT WE EAT 4 Quali sono le tue abitudini alimentari? Mangi in modo sano ed equilibrato? Fai questo test e lo saprai. AR E BREAKFAST YOU A 1. You have breakfast: a every day. b only when you have time. c never. SNACKING FRUIT & VEG TAKEAWAYS AND JUNK FOOD 34 week four H E A LT H Y 2. At a b c E ATE R? breakfast you have: sweet cereals or white toast. cereal or brown toast and fruit juice. crisps or a chocolate bar. 3. When you are hungry you eat snacks like biscuits or crisps. a Oh, yes, a lot. I love them! b Only at school break. c Yes, but only sometimes. 4. How many portions of fruit & veg do you eat every day? a At least five portions a day. b One portion, I prefer meat. c Two or three portions. 5. You eat a very little of them. b Quite a lot of them. c A lot, every day, if possible.