Exercises 1 Sostituisci le parole in corsivo con il corretto pronome complemento. 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 These are my new shoes. Peter doesn t like Maths. The children are with their mother. Can I speak to John? You don t have to pay for Peter and me. I meet my friends every day. I must buy a CD for my dad. Do you like them? He doesn t like ..................... . They are with ..................... . Can I speak to .....................? You don t have to pay for .................. . I meet ..................... every day. I must buy ..................... for .................. . Osserva quello che Jane e Robert devono o non devono fare secondo i loro genitori durante le vacanze. Usa have / has to, don t / doesn t have to. Jane and Robert have to make their beds every morning. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 make their beds do their summer homework do the shopping come back home for lunch play tennis twice a week have dinner at 8 p.m. with the family walk the dog in the evening Jane yes yes yes no no yes no Robert yes yes no no yes yes yes ..................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................... Traduci in inglese. Devi dare da mangiare al gatto! You must feed the cat! 1 Non è necessario che mi aiuti con i compiti. ........................................................................ 2 Angie deve comprare un regalo a Bob perché è il suo compleanno. ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Non devi uscire dopo cena! ........................................................................ 4 Non dovete finire il lavoro oggi. ........................................................................ 5 Pam deve fare una gara di nuoto? ........................................................................ 6 Non dovete mangiare in palestra! ........................................................................ Video-game mania 63