Exercises 1 Ricomponi le frasi nell ordine giusto, coniugando i verbi al present simple. not like / science / they / reading / fiction. They don t like reading science fiction. 1 go /every / we / to / morning / beach / the /. ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Rachel / breakfast / her / has / usually / parents / with / ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3 at / time / lessons / every / start / what / your / day / school? ...................................................................................................................................................................... 4 twice / Peter / football / week / play / a / . ...................................................................................................................................................................... 5 not watch / morning / I / when / I / to / the / school / go / Tv / in / . ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Scrivi le domande delle seguenti risposte usando il present continuous. 1 2 3 4 5 3 a: Are you watching Tv? a: ........................................................... a: ........................................................... a: ........................................................... a: ........................................................... a: ............................................................... b: Yes, I m watching a music programme. b: I m doing some English exercises. b: They re eating a sandwich and a fruit salad. b: We are going to the cinema. b: Bob is doing Maths, but Tim is sleeping. b: We re listening to Mika, our favourite pop star. Completa le frasi usando il present simple o il present continuous. Laura comes (come) from Italy, but she s studyng (study) in Britain now. 1 Look! The weather ............................. (change)! 2 We usually ............................. (attend) the lessons in the morning, but today we .............................(visit) Brighton. 3 A: What ............................. you (read).............................? B: The last Harry Potter book. 4 I ............................. (not want) to play tennis against Peter; he is too good for me! 5 What time ............................. you usually ............................. (come back) in the evening? 6 ............................. Mike ............................. (meet) new friends during these holidays? 4 Descrivi la azioni (almeno 5) che svolgi di solito al mattino prima di entrare a scuola. Usa il present simple. When I go to school, I usually get up at .................................................... . Then I get dressed and ................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Immagina di fare una lunga telefonata al/alla tuo/a ragazzo/a descrivendo le azioni (almeno 5) che stai compiendo minuto per minuto prima di andare in spiaggia e subito dopo. Usa il present continuous. Now I m preparing to go to the beach. I m getting dressed. Now I m .................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................ People and places 13