Exercises 1 Scegli tra il comparativo di maggioranza ed il superlativo relativo. 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 Completa le frasi con una sola parola. 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 Peter isn t as tall as John. This is worst restaurant in Milan. Their new flat isn t big as the old one. My jeans are less expensive Rachel s. Is your brother confident than you? Jim is the best player the team. This is heaviest luggage of all. Completa ogni frase con la forma corretta del comparativo di maggioranza o del superlativo relativo degli aggettivi tra parentesi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 This is the better / best hotel in our town. My icecream is the smallest / smaller than yours. The first exercise is the most difficult / more difficult of the test. The larger / largest population of turtles is in Greece. Our dog is the most lively / more lively than Peter s one. Today is one of the colder / coldest days of the month. Spain is hotter / the hotter than Britain in summer. Pollution in the air is now worse (bad) than it was in the past. The elephant is (heavy) than the rhino. Turtles do the (long) migration of all animals. Sharks are (dangerous) than rays. The cheetah (ghepardo) is the (fast) animal in the world. In my opinion squirrels are (beautiful) than hamsters. Watching birds is (good) than hunting them! Completa le frasi usando il comparativo di uguaglianza. Le frasi possono essere affermative o negative. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Peter / Robert / not tall. Sharks / killer whales (orche) / dangerous. Tigers / lions / aggressive. Kangaroos / ostriches (struzzi) / not fast. Seals / dolphins / not intelligent. Cats / dogs / not friendly. Turtles / snails (lumache) / not slow. Peter isn t as tall as Robert. Wildlife 23