READING 2 Leggi questi testi una lettera e la relativa risposta e inserisci le frasi mancanti. a. You should have a chat with them about what all of you think! b. But remember that grown-ups like your parents, probably are not used to this idea! c. They also think it s not socializing, but I think it is! Dear Laura, My parents think I go on the computer all day and all night and say that I m glued to it. (1) . They say I am PC addicted , but it s not true! Please, help me! What can I do? Kerry, 12 Dear Kerry, The best way to solve the problem is to compromise with your parents. (2) . Then you could decide, for example, a reasonable amount of time you can spend on the computer every day. After you agree a time limit, you must stick to it, and make sure they know you re staying within the rules! Then, hopefully, when they see you are responsible and are doing what they asked you, they could even extend the time! And try to be patient. Most teenagers have the computer on for hours every day because they want to socialize on networking sites and they think it s normal! (3) . Growing up can be difficult, but being a parent isn t easy, either! adapted from Shout, n. 427 USEFUL WORDS addicted = fanatico , dipendente; to agree = essere d accordo; amount = quantità; to be used to = essere abituati a; either = neppure; glued = incollato; to grow up = crescere; hopefully = si spera; rule = regola; to stick to = attenersi a; within = in, dentro. 26 week three