WRITING 6 Unisci la parte iniziale delle frasi con quella finale appropriata. 0 Turn off your computer 1 Don t stick your fingers 2 Remember that nothing d 3 Don t arrange to meet anyone 4 Always cancel unknown email 5 Tell your parents if you find any information 6 Don t write any personal information, a on the Internet is private. b attachments: they could contain viruses! c that makes you feel confused or embarrassed. d before you plug in a keyboard, a mouse or a printer. e or objects into the disk drive. f your real name, address or school. g who you don t already know. adapted from www.britishcouncil.org/kidsenglish 7 Ora riscrivi le frasi usando i verbi modali should / shouldn t per dare consigli e must / mustn t per esprimere obbligo e divieto. Ricorda che sono sempre seguiti dalla forma base del verbo senza to. You should turn off your computer before you plug in a keyboard, a mouse or a printer. 1 2 3 4 5 6 USEFUL WORDS to arrange = accordarsi; to plug in = collegare; to stick = conficcare, infilare; to turn off = spegnere. Computers 29