VOCABULARY 9 Completa il cruciverba su Internet rispondendo alle definizioni orizzontali (across) e verticali (down). Una parola e alcune lettere sono già state inserite. 7 1 L D 8 M T 2 9 P R O V I D E R 10 3 4 W 6 H V 12 5 T A ACROSS 1. You do it when you want some new songs on your i-pod. 2. I.S.P. stands for Internet Service ................... 3. A machine that provides services. 4. Your letters and messages online. 5. A place on the Net where a company or an organisation puts information. 6. The main page created by a company online. DOWN 7. The supernetwork that connects computers. 8. The part of the computer that links you to the provider. 9. A secret name or phrase to protect your mail. 10. When you talk to your friends and exchange messages. Computers 31