SPEAKING 4 Immagina di essere intervistato/a sui tuoi gusti musicali. Rispondi alle domande registrate sul CD. Journalist: Can you tell me your name and age? You: (1) . Journalist: Fine! What kind of music do you like? You: (2) Well, . Journalist: What music don t you like? You: (3) . . Journalist: I see. When you were a child, who was your favourite singer or what was your favourite song? You: (4) . . Journalist: Who is your favourite singer or band now? You: (5) . . Journalist: Now, another type of question When and where do you listen to music? You: (6) . . Journalist: Do you listen to music on the radio, CDs or i-pod? You: (7) . . Journalist: I see. Do you watch music programmes on TV or do you buy music magazines? You: (8) . . Journalist: What singer or band would you like to see at a live concert? You: (9) . . Journalist: Do you play any instruments? You: (10) . . Journalist: Well, that s all! Very kind of you. Goodbye! 38 week four