G R A M M A R TO BE Forma affermativa I was You were He/she/it was We were You were They were TO BE e TO HAVE: PAST SIMPLE (PASSATO SEMPLICE) Forma negativa Forma interrogativa I was not (wasn t) You were not (weren t) He/she/it was not (wasn t) We were not (weren t) You were not (weren t) They were not (weren t) Was I? Were you? Was he/she/it? Were we? Were you? Were they? Risposte brevi F. affermativa Yes, I/she/it was Yes, You/we/they were F. negativa No, I/she/it wasn t No, You/we/they weren t USO Il past simple si usa per indicare un azione o una situazione che è iniziata e si è conclusa nel passato. Spesso si accompagna ad espressioni di tempo quali yesterday, last night, last summer, etc. TO HAVE We weren t at home last night: we were at the cinema. Non eravamo a casa ieri sera: eravamo al cinema. Forma affermativa I had You had He/she/it had We had You had They had USO Forma negativa I didn t have You didn t have He/she/it didn t have We didn t have You didn t have They didn t have Forma interrogativa Did Did Did Did Did Did I have? you have? he/she/it have? we have? you have? they have? Risposte brevi F. affermativa Yes, I/she/it/you/we/they had F. negativa No, I/she/it/you/we/they didn t have Il past simple del verbo to have ha un unica forma had per tutte le persone. I had curly hair when I was a baby. Avevo I capelli ricci da piccolo. What time did you have breakfast? I had it at 7. A che ora hai fatto colazione? L ho fatta alle 7. INVITATIONS and SUGGESTIONS (INVITI E PROPOSTE) WOULD LIKE/WOULDN T LIKE (vorrei/non vorrei) + sostantivo o + to + forma base. uguale per tutte le persone, è una forma condizionale, che si usa per offrire qualcosa, fare un invito, esprimere un desiderio o una richiesta. Quando si offre qualcosa si usa il partitivo some anche nelle domande e si risponde Yes, please. No, thanks. Per accettare un invito si usano Yes, I would. / Yes, I d love to. Sì, grazie. / Sì, volentieri. Per rifiutare un invito si può rispondere I m sorry, I can t. I have to ... Mi dispiace, non posso. Devo... LET S + forma base; WHAT ABOUT / HOW ABOUT + ing form?; WHY DON T WE + forma base?; SHALL WE + forma base? Tutte queste forme si utilizzano per proporre a qualcuno di fare delle cose insieme. Let s go to the park! Andiamo al parco! How about / What about going to the cinema? Che ne dici/dite di andare al cinema? Why don t we meet at the bus stop? Perché non ci incontriamo alla fermata dell autobus? Shall we have a sandwich? Prendiamo un panino? 42 week four