Exercises 1 Completa le frasi con il past simple del verbo to be. 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 Peter was at the concert last night. Jane at the beach yesterday, because she ill. the children at their grandmother s last night? The pizza lovely! When Shakira born? You at home yesterday afternoon. Where you? The cake delicious! Trasforma al past simple queste frasi al present simple. Usa i verbi to be e to have. Peter has got a lot of CDs. Peter had a lot of CDs. They are very friendly. They were very friendly. 1 I ve got two tickets for the concert! . 2 Sheila isn t good at French. . 3 Have you got a mobile phone? . 4 We are in the garden watering the flowers. . 5 They have got some new English friends. . 6 Peter isn t at the cinema, he s at the restaurant. . 3 Invita i tuoi amici a fare queste cose e formula anche le loro risposte positive o negative, seguendo l esempio. Scrivi le frasi sul tuo quaderno. go to a restaurant Yes Would you like to go to a restaurant? Yes, I d love to. read this magazine with me No Would you like to read this magazine with me? No, I can t, I m sorry. I m busy now. 1 listen to the songs on my i-pod Yes ................................................................................... 2 come to my home this afternoon No ................................................................................. 3 play tennis with Peter, Julie and me on Sunday Yes ..................................................... 4 go to the cinema tomorrow Yes ........................................................................................... 5 spend the weekend in the mountains No ........................................................................ 6 have a pizza with us No ........................................................................................................... 4 Rimetti nell ordine giusto le parole così da formare delle proposte. the / go / why / disco / we / don t / to? Why don t we go to the disco? 1 about / shopping / what / going? ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Saturday / let s / a /organize /party /next! ..................................................................................................................................................................... 3 we / don t / why / buy / DVD / birthday / a / John s / for? ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4 with / volleyball / play / a / beach / match / let s / girls / the /! ..................................................................................................................................................................... 5 about / visiting / the / the / weekend / at / new / how / aquarium /? ..................................................................................................................................................................... Top of the pops 43