STEP BACK IN TIME 5 1 Leggi la storia della battaglia di Hastings e coniuga i verbi tra parentesi alla forma corretta del past simple. THE BATTLE OF HASTINGS One of the most famous dates in the history of England is 1066. In that year William, Duke of Normandy, (0) sailed (sail) from Saint-Valery in Normandy with an army of about 7,000 men and (1) . (land) in England near Pevensey on the 28th September. Then he (2) . (march) to Hastings. The town (3) .(become) his base and William (4) . (use) its port to receive supplies from Normandy. Here he (5) . (wait) until the new Saxon king Harold (6) . (arrive) with his army. The battle (7) . (be) on the 14th October 1066. The battle of Hastings (8) . (not/take) place in Hastings itself: William and Harold (9) . (fight) in a plain nearby, where today the town of Battle is. William (10) . (win) and Harold (11) .(die) In his memory, William (12). . (mark) the site of the battle by building an abbey. The country (13) . (develop) the feudal system under William s reign. This (14) . (be) the last invasion of England. USEFUL WORDS abbey = abbazia; army = esercito; base = base; to develop = sviluppare; to fight = combattere; to land = approdare; plain = pianoro; to sail = salpare, veleggiare; supplies = rifornimenti; to take place = aver luogo; to win = vincere. 44 week five