LISTENING 3 Ascolta il dialogo registrato sul CD e scegli l alternativa corretta. Robert: What did you do last weekend? John: Oh, I had a really (0) good / great time! I went to Battle with my family on (1) Saturday / Sunday. There was the re-enactment of (2) a / the famous battle of Hastings! Robert: Did you watch the fight? Wow! John: Yes, there (3) was / were more than two hundred soldiers in medieval armour and the Norman cavalry too! It was a great performance! Robert: What did you (4) see / sightsee after that? John: Well, we walked around the area of the battlefield. It was like (5) coming / being back in the Middle Ages! There were encampments and merchants in medieval clothes selling their goods in a street market. Robert: Did you buy (6) anything / something? John: Yes, I bought some key-chains, some pens and a mug with pictures of the battle. But the (7) more / most exciting thing for me was the archery trial! Robert: Cool! Did you (8) try / like it? John: Yes, it was terrific! Of course first they (9) thought / taught me how to use the bow. It s not so difficult, you know, and it s great when you hit the target! Robert: Well, it sounds like you really (10) enjoy / enjoyed this trip! Next year I want to go to Battle myself! John: Sure! It s worth going! USEFUL WORDS battlefield = campo di battaglia; to be worth going = valer la pena di andare; bow = arco; cavalry = cavalleria; encampment = accampamento; fight = combattimento; it sounds like = sembra che; key-chain = porta-chiavi; mug = boccale; performance = rappresentazione, spettacolo; re-enactment = rifacimento; target = bersaglio; trial = prova. Step back in time 47