G R A M M A R PAST CONTINUOUS SOGGETTO + PASSATO DI TO BE + FORMA BASE DEL VERBO + ING Forma affermativa I you he/she/it we you they was were was were were were going Forma interrogativa was were was were were were I you he/she/it we you they going? Forma negativa I you he/she/it we you they wasn t weren t wasn t weren t weren t weren t going Short answers (Risposte brevi) Forma affermativa YES, I you he/she/it we you they was were was were were were Forma negativa NO, I you he/she/it we you they wasn t weren t wasn t weren t weren t weren t Il past continuous si usa: 1. per esprimere un azione in corso al passato. I was attending my English course. Stavo frequentando il corso di inglese.; 2. per esprimere due azioni simultanee in atto al passato. While I was surfing the Net, my sister was watching TV. Mentre stavo navigando su Internet, mia sorella stava guardando la TV.; 3. per esprimere un azione temporanea in svolgimento al passato prima che un altro evento per il quale si usa il past simple sopraggiunga. While I was eating, the telephone rang. Mentre stavo mangiando, squillò il telefono. 62 week six